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Cajun Sweet Tatters

Cajun Sweet Tatters


Thanksgiving is nearing and soon we'll be looking for quick and easy ways to make our special feast happen. Just because time may be ticking; and really there's still a few more days, doesn't mean you have to sacrifice taste or other culinary complicated dishes to make the deadline. This simple dish is all about the sweet potato! There are many types of sweet potatoes and we encourage you to choose your favorite for this dish. Often we see sweet potatoes, or yams, with a hearty layer of toasty marshmallow (which some may argue is the best part), but they can also be deliciously accented with a light sugar glaze or sugar crumble. We chose to use the sugar crumble top with golden sweet potatoes for this photo. Any way you choose to make your sweet potatoes, you're sure to have time to multi-task while you cook this dish.


  • 3 fatties, Sweet Potatoes or Yams
  • Salt & Pepper, to taste
  • Granulated Garlic
  • ½ stick of Unsalted Butter
  • 1 tsp of Dried Thyme
  • 2 tbsp of Cajun Seasoning
  • 2 tbsp of Olive Oil
Ingredients for Crumble Topping or Glaze:
  • ½ cup All Purpose Flour (only for crumble top)
  • ¼ cup of Brown Sugar
  • ½ tsp Ground Cinnamon
  • ¼ tsp of Freshly Grated Nutmeg
  • ½ cup of Chopped Pecans
Cooking Instructions:
  1. Preheat the oven to 400°F.
  2. Peel the sweet potatoes and cut them into half inch slices.
  3. Put the potato slices in a large mixing bowl. Add the salt, pepper, garlic powder. Cajun spice mixture, thyme and olive oil. Toss the potatoes till they are evenly coated.
  4. Line a cookie sheet with tin foil. Spread the tatter disks out evenly without overlapping and bake for 15 minutes. Should be slightly tender but not fully cooked.
  5. Remove them from the oven and let cool. Make the topping with the dry ingredients.
  6. Place cooled potatoes in a baking dish overlapping the slices. Cover them with the topping.
  7. Cut the 1/2 stick of butter into small pieces and scatter over the top of the potatoes.
  8. Bake them for 30 minutes at 350°F till the tatters are tender.
This post has been contributed by Leo Coulourides, our Culinary Specialist.
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