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Why Does My Wine Taste A Little Different Than Last Time?

Why Does My Wine Taste A Little Different Than Last Time?

A lot of wine drinkers are unaware of how wines can have different effects on the palate. Or is it your imagination?

Nope! Atmosphere (or lack thereof) has plenty to do with what your palate can experience.

Example: Drinking a full-bodied red wine in the middle of a warm afternoon doesn’t have the same effect as drinking that same wine on a cool evening in low light.
Bigger reds can tend to be “chunky” or hard to drink as they warm up with ambient temperatures.

Also, white wines don’t always show well in the evening as they are better chilled during daylight hours for the most part. There are exceptions of course. I always think Champagne is great no matter when you drink it! So next time
you have a glass that isn’t delivering in the way you remember, take into consideration your surroundings. 

Maybe you’ll give that glass in your hand a little bit of leeway.

This is written by our Sommelier, Blake Leland

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