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Wine Styles

Wine Styles

Photo Credit: WSET

Have you ever tried to describe an amazing food experience you have had to another person? How do you include the best points and descriptive words that clearly communicate the feelings and tastes you experienced? It is not easy!

Wine, just as food, is complex and faces these same difficulties. But knowing what kind of wines we wish to buy drives our decision. For this reason, wine styles or general designated, identifying terms serve as a guideline. At Bottle Shop, we utilize wines styles based on color (red, white, rose) sparkling, body (rich, elegant, fruity, structured) and overall impression (complex, fresh, robust).


Warm weather growing regions generally product fleshy, robust full-bodied styles like Zinfandel, Syrah, Grenache, Cabernet, and some red blends with the mentioned grapes.

Cooler climate areas make wines in the leaner, elegant, crisp, and lighter styles.

So… what’s your style?

Feel free to email me for my list if brands that are small production and excellent bang for the buck selections.

This is written by our Sommelier, Blake Leland

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