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wine glasses

Best Outdoor Wine Vessel


Spending more time outdoors lately? Now you can enjoy your outside social drinking without worrying about breaking the wine glass. Our Wine Buyer did the homework for you and tested out some of the popular glass or cup for outdoor drinking. Please note that all glasses were chilled for two hours in the freezer prior to testing. A cold bottle of Pinot Grigio was used for this experiment and left out in the sun for 10 minutes.

1. Tweakd Stemless Silicone

Made out of silicone, this is extremely lightweight, durable and flexible. You can fold it and put it in your pocket. The color is attractive and the capacity is a whopping 14 ounces. Overall feel is grippy and secure enough, however the opening is a bit smaller than a regular wine glass. It is difficult to get the full aromas of the wine with a small opening. If being able to see and smell what you are drinking is important, then the Tweakd glass may not be for you. It is BPA free and made with food grade silicone, however there is still a slight odor.  However, if you are looking for something that travels well and lightweight for your camping/RV/backpacking/beach trip, then this is a good choice. Last but not least, this one did not keep the wine as cold as the other two.

2. HOST Wine Freeze Cooling Cup

Made out of BPA-free plastic, this cup has a sturdy construction with a insulated silicone band for good hand gripping. There is an insulated double layered wall filled with cooling gel to work as a wine chiller when frozen. Holds 8.5oz and can be used for both white, rosé and red wine. You can definitely see and smell the wine with the large opening and clear plastic. After 10 minutes of sitting out in the sun, the wine was still quite cold and kept its temperature for at least 20 minutes. This is a top choice when the weather is warm outside and you still want to have a quality experience without sacrificing the temperature of the wine. This is a keeper. 

3. SUNWILL Insulated Tumbler with Lid

Out of the three tested, this one gives the user the closest experience to a real wine glass. Even though it is stemless, the tumbler is lightweight and well designed. This one kept the wine cold, but not as cold as the HOST Cooling cup. The lid is super helpful for spills or just to preserve your wine and keep it colder or warmer. You can use this for cold and hot beverages too. Stylish, versatile, lightweight and sturdy, this stainless steel tumbler is our top choice. 


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