Wine Astrology- Check Your Wine Horoscope
What does astrology and wine have in common? Read on and see what suitable wines have been matched with your astrological sign. You might see some stars align! We included your love matches too, after all you might want to share your wines with a loved one.
Aries March 21-April 19 Aries, the fire sign is always ready with new ideas and adventure. You like to go out and try new things, even if life takes a spin, you seem to bounce back with a new approach. You are most likely the first one to check out the wine list and order wine for the table. Best love matches: Leo, Gemini, Sagittarius and Aquarius. Best wine matches: Bold and flavorful wines from the New World, such as California Syrah and Zinfandel. For the Aries that like to step out of the box, go for a Provence Cabernet and Syrah Blend to keep it interesting.
Taurus April 21- May 21 As an earth sign you prefer to dwell in harmony and surround yourself with elegance and sensual luxury. You are loyal, authentic and have solid family values. You can be stubborn and often oversimplifying complex matters, however that is not the case when it comes to wine soaked parties and patio bars in the summer time. Taurus are creatures of habit and likes to chill at the house or go out to the favorite few spots where you frequent. You can be a bit of a hoarder when it comes to your wine collection. Best love matches: Capricorn, Virgo and Cancer. Best wine matches: Taurus loves the tannin and acidity balance such as aged Bordeaux and Barbaresco. Cremant is your daily go to, while Champagne is a win-win.
Gemini May 21-June 20 The twins are often contradicting each other, can often times be social or reclusive. However you are very adaptable and happy to be hanging out, making you a great drinking partner. Quick minded, curious, inquisitive makes you an excellent taster as you pull apart and study a wine's characteristics. Best love matches: Sagittarius and Leo. Best wine matches: Riesling, Cabernet Franc and Zinfandel. We know you don't have a problem exploring but check out some outstanding Greek wine or Biodynamic wines.
Cancer June 22- July 22 The master of the dinner party, you like to nurture all of your favorite people with the best food and wine. There is an inner foodie inside you as well as the love to share your passion with others. You are empathetic, ever-changing, emotional, intelligent and create the spirit of family wherever you go. Best love matches: Scorpio, Capricorn. Best wine matches: As a lover, you want a wine that is easy drinking and all encompassing that will satisfy all of your guests. A well rounded Chardonnay or a balanced Merlot will do the trick.
Leo July 23- August 21 Leos are leaders and trendsetters that like to raise the bar. You have boundary-defying creativity, however sometimes it can be impractical. Leos like to drink with other fellow fire signs to keep the party going. Your ideal drinking setting is out and about at a party, wine bar, dive bar, gastro-pub or fine dining. Best love matches: Aries and Scorpio. Best wine matches: Creatively thinkers love to try new things. You probably have already tried Gruner Veltliner, Rousanne or Franciacorta.
Virgo August 22-September 23 The creative earth sign that has a talent for managing details and organization, makes you an ideal friend and drinking pal after a long day of work. Your ideal setting is wherever you feel comfortable such as your home, a local bar or a house party. You like mineral-driven white and reds from the old world for their delicacy and elegance. Best love matches: Cancer and Gemini. Best wine matches: Burgundy Pinot Noir, Riesling and Bordeaux from the Left Bank.
Libra September 24-October 23 Officially the Love Goddess, you are ruled by Venus. You keep partnerships, commitments and unions sacred once you have found the right one. You like to spoil and be spoiled in return, but watch your money management or you might find yourself accidentally bidding at a wine auction. Best love matches: Pisces and Aquarius. Best wine matches: You can try to be too diplomatic and love everything you try, however you love things that are easy drinking like Pinot Gris, Merlot and California Cabernet.
Scorpio October 22-November 22 You are a complex and exciting individual that demand the same of your wines. The wines must be powerful to hold your attention and you are drawn to extreme, super aromatic, high acidity, mineral and tannic wines. Scorpios thrive in a cutting edge work environment where you can be resourceful and creative. Best love matches: Taurus and Capricorn. Best wine matches: Cremant, Barbaresco and dry Gewurztraminer.
Sagittarius November 22-December 21 The eternal student with the mind filled with endless curiosity. Fiercely independent you are the sign of the traveler, collecting knowledge from all over the world. Your best attributes are a sense of bohemian adventure and good humor. You may not have patience for wine snobs, however you believe good wine is best enjoyed with good friends and conversation. You like wines that are easy to understand and have a good story. Best love matches: Aries and Leo. Best wine matches: off-dry Riesling and Oregon Pinot Noir.
Capricorn December 22-January 19 Capricorns are known for their solid, structured and stable personality. You are ambitious, goal oriented and dedicated. Often scaling to new heights romantically, socially and physically. This earth sign can be stubborn, but with some convincing, can be nudged to try new wines. You like finding a good deal through free wine tastings or happy hour. Best love matches: Taurus ad Pisces. Best wine matches: Value Bordeaux and Burgundy.
Aquarius January 20-February 18 Friendly and intellectual, you are a big fan of sipping wine in good company. You find that good wine can inspire some of the best original thinking. You know the story behind the wine and the winemaker. You like a range of wines, and can get a little detached and rarely fall in love with a particular wine. You tend to seek out biodynamic production and are fascinated with the producer and region. Best love matches: Gemini and Libra. Best wine matches: California's Biodynamic producers such as Bonny Doon, and a selection of Organic wines.
Pisces February 20- March 20 A fellow water sign, makes you a popular mate to drink with. You like to hang out at environments that are good for conversation, so try to stay away from loud bars or establishments. Having friends over for a glass or two is always a sure bet. Pisces are eager to please so you are happy to drink whatever your friend is drinking, however you do prefer the lighter side of wines. Best love matches: Cancer. Best wine matches: Provence Rose and Sauvignon Blanc.
Contributed by Monica Yu , Assistant Wine Buyer for Plume Ridge Bottle Shop